2 Under 2...here we come!!!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 16

Tricks: Can get halfway down the crawl track; can spin on her back with some help; has brought the pacifier to her mouth twice; a few other 'getting better at doing' things

Life:  All smiles.  Such a happy happy baby. We are blessed beyond belief. She's getting into quite a nice routine.  Her night time sleep has started earlier and been lasting longer.  Given her daytime naps have gotten shorter, it's a fair trade. :) She's getting stronger and I'm realizing she's almost ready to go up another size in clothes from 3 months to the 3-6 months (which isn't so bad).  She's getting to recognize faces now and gets extra excited to see her Dad in the mornings and when he gets home.  

David got home last night after she'd bunkered down for the evening.  He seemed so sad to have missed her awake and smiling at him.  He got to hold her and cuddle for a bit before putting her into her crib and again this morning (since she nodded off MUCH earlier last night, around 7:30pm and woke up for the day around 7:30am).  Such fun to see them interact.  Love spilling over both directions.


  1. SO TRUE!!!

  2. She's so beautiful, you guys. This is such a cool thing to have for her once she grows up.

    Keep up the good work and beautiful pictures!
