2 Under 2...here we come!!!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 16

Tricks: Can get halfway down the crawl track; can spin on her back with some help; has brought the pacifier to her mouth twice; a few other 'getting better at doing' things

Life:  All smiles.  Such a happy happy baby. We are blessed beyond belief. She's getting into quite a nice routine.  Her night time sleep has started earlier and been lasting longer.  Given her daytime naps have gotten shorter, it's a fair trade. :) She's getting stronger and I'm realizing she's almost ready to go up another size in clothes from 3 months to the 3-6 months (which isn't so bad).  She's getting to recognize faces now and gets extra excited to see her Dad in the mornings and when he gets home.  

David got home last night after she'd bunkered down for the evening.  He seemed so sad to have missed her awake and smiling at him.  He got to hold her and cuddle for a bit before putting her into her crib and again this morning (since she nodded off MUCH earlier last night, around 7:30pm and woke up for the day around 7:30am).  Such fun to see them interact.  Love spilling over both directions.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Taste of Spring

Wow - I had no idea how much the weather can affect our moods.  We've been inside all winter - both with baby and the historic snowstorms - you almost forget what a sunny day feels like. :)

After we cancelled our mommy-date since everyone was snowed in - literally, Heather was joking that she'll have to plan her 2nd baby to be a summer delivery.  Being stuck inside with a newborn, bundling up, and dealing with cabin fever isn't a new mom's best option.  With the break in temperature, we're outside as much as we can be, walking everywhere, planting the garden, working outside.

Ellie spent her first day outside with me in the bouncy chair, while I turned the soil and threw in an early crop of kale, collard greens, mesclun, beets, radishes and some chinese cabbage (whatever that is).  She just hung out the entire time!  Perfect little angel.  The neighbor came over and asked to borrow a shovel.  She laughed and smiled at him for almost 20 minutes.  He brought her back some crocus(es) for 'her garden'. 

How can you avoid being in a good mood?!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Poop Decoder

A diaper always goes on clean - but you never know what you're gonna get in the morning. :) This was her Happy St. Patrick's Day onesie...maybe too much Guinness.  Diaper Decoder

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 15

Tricks: we got another 2 roll overs, even better laughter, learning to have 'favorite' toys, loving tummy time, smiles at the dogs, beginning to entertain herself

Life: Yikes! 15 sounds so old!

I was filing bills yesterday during her nap when I started to hear a strange noise: turns out Ellie was sucking and slurping her hands after she woke up. No crying. :) Yay baby!

Ellie came down with her first cold. I fought taking her to the doctor's office, but after missing 2 feedings because her poor little nose was too stuffed up for her to breathe and eat at the same time. So David came home to take us to the pediatrician, after a quick visit we left with a prescription for ammoxacilin to treat her ear infection. To treat her cold, we were told to stick with the humidifier and saline spray. And apparently diarrhea for this age just means that she's pooping almost every hour. We have diarrhea.

Sweet baby still smiles through it all, except when she's hungry and can't eat until her sinuses clear up. She's a trooper!

Love you Munchkin!

Shore Trip

I headed to the shore for the first time with baby. Dave and his buddies were meeting up in Harrisburg for a guy's weekend, so off we went with Annie, Dan and Mary Helena to Sea Isle City, NJ.  The weather was unbeatable!!! Just fantastic. 

Watching the little girls interact was so new.  Mary squeals when she sees Ellie.  She's been doing that for a while.  This time around, Ellie seemed like she was able to comprehend the buddy-system she will have with her cousin.  She just stared at Mary and smiled, watching her like a hawk!  We threw a blanket onto the floor and made it sort of home base for the girls' toys.  Mary was crawling everywhere, but didn't go far when Ellie was down there too.

Can't wait to see them by the end of the summer!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Setting: Amish Farmer's Market

Situation: shopping for food for the shore. We planned on getting in and out within the hour. Turned into more of a two and a half hour trip.

Reason: people love to smile at babies. Ellie was more than happy to return the smiles and show off her flailing arms and legs. We were in the produce section (around hour 1) and I turned to look at the bananas (don't worry, lesson learned, I had my hand on her leg while I turned away.) when boom, she was out like a light! All of those funny faces tired her out! We got through the bakery and the meat sections and she awoke again, (about 45 minutes later). I was able to get the other shopping done in the meantime. We were heading to the car and it took us an HOUR to get out of the place with so much interest in the baby. Granted, I was feeling very polite and sociable, but it was hilarious!
She slept so well!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Darn cold!

Poor Baby's first cold is really sticking around! She was up a lot last night boy being able to breathe through her nose and occassionally phlem would get in the way too! We will likely head to the Doctor's later today, since I need to get more fluids into her.

Week 14

Tricks: She rolls halfway over and then back.  She's making new cooing sounds - more razzing noises.  When I pull her up by her arms to a sitting position, she goes right to standing up - forgets about the sitting part! HA. 

Life:  Baby's first cold arrived this weekend.  Surprisingly, I've been sick twice now and she'd never gotten it.  This time, she's sick and it skipped over me. Symptoms:  runny nose, fever, cough, phlem and cuddly.  I'm shocked to have found that she's not really been cranky, miserable, etc.  She's still the happy, smiley baby she always seems to be.  The coughs will interrupt her conversations with the toys, and she'll struggle to eat and breathe at the same time (obviously, this is the biggest problem). But that's it.  She's still so stinkin' sweet!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Life with a Plan

Hands down the biggest mental obstacle to tackle in those first few weeks of motherhood was the idea of a 'schedule', a 'plan', a grasp of something more than just the accomplishment of keeping the baby alive through another day. 

I really struggled and became somewhat depressed about not having the same 'rhythm' to my day before baby.  I loved running around from morning to night getting things done.  Then, boom. I was lucky if I showered.  My level of expectations had to fall off a cliff.  I remember desperately seeking advice from other moms and dads to see how they got through their days with a kid.  The answer was always the same, "in these first few weeks, just enjoy life. Stare at your baby and rest.  Sleep when she sleeps."  I think I only managed to nap once when she was napping (out of sheer exhaustion from an all-nighter).  Otherwise, it seemed unconsciounable that I'd throw quality nap time away.  I needed those times to shower, eat, find a way to clothe myself with fresh underwear (aka laundry) and pick up the mess I made while she was awake.  I remember crying to my sister asking how it all works out?  How do you manage? She assured me it gets much better (her, I believed!), and that we'd all make it back to sanity (read: sleep). 

Then finally, little by little, it did start to come together.  Little victories like being showered and making dinner at the end of the day. Then adding a full load of laundry and grocery shopping.  Then my sweet friend Heather dialed and what we call the "3 week intervention" happened, challenging me to get us packed up and out of the house.  Of course, that day came, we got a shower and drove for a nice luncheon, but that was it.  No dinner, no laundry, grocery shopping, etc.  By now, it's not out of the question to do all of those things in one day.  I've burned dinner 2 times, so it's not a perfect system.  But alas, it's a system, and one that gets better each day.  OK, maybe we're not that quick to improve, but at least each week.

Sleep patterns

Some things that new mothers are told seem crazy and wind up true. When I used to accuse Elizabeth of being on Beijing time zone, I was told that they eventually switch their days and nights around to reflect their parents'. And that it did.

The latest example of this: that babies self regulate their sleep cycles. With our attempts to start an earlier bedtime, I have to be honest and say that we didn't do anything differently except make sure we get a bigger overnight diaper and change her clothes while she's still awake. She has started shaving time off her old 10:30 bedtime to where we are now, with her fast asleep since 8:30 tonight. And she's done this all on her own.

Lesson: start believing in the nutty things other parents tell you.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Goat Cheese Guacamole (from El Vez)

2 ounces goat cheese
2 avocados, peeled and seed removed
1 roasted poblano chile
1 tablespoon cilantro leaf
1 tablespoon roasted garlic
1 lime, juiced
salt and pepper

Mash all ingredients except salt and pepper; taste and add salt and pepper if desired.

Keep refrigerated until serving.

Makes 4-6

Week 13

Tricks: screaming (not my favorite new trick, but I realize she's testing how loud she can be), better laughter, better night sleeper, stronger, and can flip almost over...still needs help getting fully over from belly to back

Life: is generally great!

Doc Appt: 
-13 pounds (70th%)
-24 inches (75th%)
-41 cm head circumference (80%)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Crib Days

Great night in her own crib!(Yes, she had still been in the pack n' play in our room) But she had longer stretches between feedings and everthing-great work E!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Cozy Tots Sale

So there's this consignment sale around here started by moms of twins and triplets that takes up the all-purpose room and gym at an elementary school.  It's a madhouse and I heard that almost 200 people were lined up outside before it started at 5pm.  There was a woman who filled a u-haul with larger baby items by 6pm. Heather and I got there around 5:45 or so; no big purchases except this exersaucer that we picked up for $15, a boppy for $4, and a stack of 11 white terry cloth bibs for $1.   Ellie's too small for the thing, or so I thought. 

Caption: I couldn't resist tossing her in for a few quick minutes.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Creeping in Florida

Our baby girl creeping along the leather couch in her first sundress. She's finally enjoying tummy time and will hang out either moving toward her favorite ladybug or sit up on her elbows looking at us.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week 12

Tricks: true laughter, animal grunts, self-propelled bouncing on legs, likes the bumbo chair, brings toys to her mouth, recognizes Dave's voice on the phone, becomes overly animated when she likes something, naturally bats at hanging toys, picks up toy rings from table.

Life: I've started believing people when they say how alert she is and how cute she is...I've stopped thinking that 'they all say that'.

Wanting another

I was talking with my girlfriends about next pregnancies, more kids, etc.  Much to my amazement, those earlier feelings of not being able to imagine having more than one child (from a time/energy/child safety standpoint) has dissipated. 

In fact, we were all in agreement.  Having another would be great -whenever it happens. :)  I'll catch David talking to Elizabeth about a brother or sister (mostly a brother).  It's incredibly sweet.

Amazing how overwhelming it feels at first followed by the transition to wanting to repeat it all over again. We are so blessed.

Monday, March 1, 2010

1st Flight

We were invited to visit Grandmom & Grandpa Longon in Florida.  Have to admit we (read: I) were a bit nervous about a first flight.  She was 2 months 3 weeks when we flew.  We'd heard that we should feed her on the way up & the way down.  She was a joy - we did just that.  She slept the rest of the way on both Mom & Dad.

What an easy experience!